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Das Tagungs- und Kulturhotel im Taunus

Limesstraße 16
61389 Schmitten-Oberreifenberg


Tanzwochenende mit DJ-Workshops

A weekend of dancing at the TA-TAA! We dance a lot and learn a lot about the importance of the DJ in the tango context. The weekend is perfect for dancers who want to know which role music plays for their well-being in a milonga, for organizers who want to improve the quality of music at their event and for DJs of all levels. From beginners who know nothing at all about technology, software, music, building tandas, etc. up to DJ nerds, everyone will be . An extraordinary weekend for tango enthusiasts. Individual registrations are possible and welcome!

Tango-DJ: Heart of the Milonga

We dive into the world of Tango DJing and understand why our Tango happiness depends on the DJ and we learn about the incredible dimensions of becoming a sought-after Tango DJ. This weekend is perfect for music-loving dancers, organizers and DJs alike, from beginners to seasoned tech enthusiasts. With Kristof Elst and David Thomas, we’ve brought together two renowned Tango experts who will take us from the basics to advanced knowledge at lightning speed. Single registrations are welcome.

Workshop contents

How is a Milonga structured? How do you build Tandas? How do you find and organize music? What software is available? What hardware is needed? What’s the difference between ASIO and WASAPI? Which cables must a DJ bring? What should a DJ consider when playing abroad with different power systems? What do frequencies, equalizers, and sound design mean? How can existing tangos be improved in sound quality? Why is the quality of music transfers so crucial? What are the essential DJ rules and the absolute "no-goes"? What unspoken expectations does the DJ have to fulfill, and how do they meet them?

  • Seminar 1 with David Thomas: „Getting ready - knowing yourself, your music, your equipment, your venue, your dancers.  Planning - the timings, the flow, the tandas, the cortinas, the potential changes, the back-up/emergency plan.“
  • Seminar 2 with David Thomas: „Having a playlist or being spontaneous. Building the tandas - recommendations & warnings. It’s stressful - how to enjoy yourself!“
  • Seminar 3 with Kristof Elst: „DJ-Basics: The different components (hardware and software) that are necessary for DJ-ing. You will also learn about terminology, making it easier to communicate and you will learn to better understand your gear.
  • Seminar 4 with Kristof Elst: „Advanced technical skills for DJ-ing, allowing you to improve the sound of your DJ sets and providing a better experience for the dancers. You will also learn how to adapt the sound to the room you are in and avoid basic pitfalls.“

Be prepared

Please bring your own laptop/equipement and music library if you want advice or help with your own system. In his second seminar Kristof Elst will show you how to improve your sound files „on the spot“. We will need your „bad Tangos“ beforehand.

DJ Practica

During the DJ Practica on Sunday morning there will be small groups who work on specific tasks and discuss them (construct a perfect playlist for example). David and Kristof will be on hand to provide guidance and support to each group.

Milongas with insides

During the milonga: For those who want more than just dancing, David and Kristof will offer insights into the structure of their tandas and orchestras, explaining why specific selections and sequences were made to optimally guide the energy and mood of the Milonga.

David Thomas

David Thomas is a distinguished Tango expert with a particular focus on musicality. As a DJ, teacher, Milonga organizer, and author, he promotes an in-depth understanding of the nuances of Tango, including its history and creative expression. His seminars and publications are widely praised for their depth and insights into the musical structure of Tango.

Kristof Elst

Kristof Elst is a renowned Tango DJ and organizer, celebrated for his deep expertise in the technical aspects of DJing. He regularly shares his knowledge in workshops and seminars, teaching the finer points of sound technology and music management. His events are highly regarded for their quality and his professional approach to technical equipment.

Tango-Weekends & Prices

Tango-Weekend 3 Days (Friday till Sunday: incl. 4 Seminars, 1 Practica, 2 Overnight stays with Breakfast, 2x Lunch, 2x Dinner, 2x coffee/cake, 2x Milongas: From 390 Euro per Person in double room.

Dancing only: If a dance partner or dancer would like to accompany a participating DJ for the full-board weekend and the milongas only, you are welcome to do so for 195 Euro per Person in double room. 

If you want to participate as single dancer in a single room you are just as welcome. 

If you have any questions about the booking options, please contact us at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..

Booking Requests

Schedule Seminar Weekend

Friday 28. March 2025
16:00 – 18:00 Check-In
18:00 – 19:00 Dinner
19:00 – 20:30 DJ-Seminar 1 – with David Thomas 
21:00 – 01:00 Milonga  –  with DJ David Thomas 

Saturday 29. March 2025
09:00 – 11:00 Breakfast
11:00 – 13:00 DJ-Seminar 2 – with David Thomas, 
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:30 – 16:00 DJ-Seminar 3 – with Kristof Elst 
16:00 – 17:00 Coffee/Cake
17:00 – 18:30 DJ-Seminar 4 – with Kristof Elst 
19:00 – 20:00 Dinner
21:00 – 02:00 Milonga  – with DJ Kristof Elst

So. 30. März 2025

09:00 – 11:00 Breakfast
11:00 – 13:00 DJ-Practica with Kristof Elst and David Thomas
13:00 – 15:00 Peña mit Luisiana und Emiliano
15 Uhr Check-Out

(Subject to change)

The number of participants in our in-house events is limited. Classes will be held in English. Single registrations are welcome.

Event Details

Reservierungen bis:30.03.2025 10:00
Beginn:28.03.2025 10:30
Endet :30.03.2025 14:00

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